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Ajax Technical Documentation

User-focused technical documentation meets challenging deadlines.

Tight timescales

Part of the next generation of Armoured Fighting Vehicles, AJAX is a fully digital and integrated platform.  It promises to enable the soldier to ‘see first, decide first, act first’ on the modern battlefield.

In order to achieve the capability promised to the British Army in the delivery of 589 AJAX vehicles, each one needs to be accompanied by accurate and user-friendly technical documentation.

Lockheed Martin needed to provide the documentation to accompany the complex, open architecture turret across the family of six AJAX variants and meet tight customer deadlines. 

User-focused publications

Four members of the CDS DS team deployed to Lockheed Martin’s list X site in Bedfordshire to set-up and run the technical publications team. The team provided the full suite of technical document design services to develop the following publications:

  • Data module requirements list
  • User reference guide of 108 data modules and 125 illustrations
  • 1,200 data modules, supported by 1600 illustrations
  • 12 technical bulletins

We worked closely with the project team and their supply chain to pull the right information together and develop the interactive technical publications. 

We pride ourselves on understanding the end users’ perspective.  Many of the team have first-hand experience of military operations; we understand the environment and the pressures under which operators and technicians will have to work.  Our publications are designed to ensure that capability can be provided in all environments and situations.

Using software such as Eagle and PTC, the digital documentation and illustrations are set to be used on laptops and tablets.  At the high point of the project, the team was producing an impressive 150 to 200 data modules per week.

Repeatable success

Overall, 1,200 data modules, compliant with NATO Support and Procurement Agency standards S1000D and S2000M, were produced.  The customer was delighted at the accuracy and pace at which we were able to deliver.

Our success on the AJAX project highlighted our ability to integrate seamlessly with wider project teams and meet challenging timescales, leading to us being selected to do the same for the Warrior Capability Sustainment Programme.


"CDS DS have been exemplary in meeting our schedule of work and the challenging timescales we have set. We are grateful for their high standard of professionalism in helping us to deliver on our commitments."

Graeme MyersScout SV Programme Director

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